From Rocna Knowledge Base
All content regarding the art and science of anchoring. For resources on anchors and anchor accessories generally, please refer to the respective sections.
Rocna User's Guide
The Rocna User's Guide contains general instructions for anchoring, including tips specific to the Rocna. It is available from the main website. Select the link below.
Rocna User's Guide
A hard copy of this should have accompanied your anchor.
Rocna Knowledge Base articles on anchoring
Setting and retrieval
Best anchor deployment and set practices, and issues surrounding retrieval.
Scope vs catenary
Getting the best performance from the anchor – heavy chain / catenary, or long rode / scope?
Dual and multiple anchor rigs
Options and considerations for riding to more than one anchor, including a link to "the ultimate guide to tandem anchoring".
Pages in category "Anchoring"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.